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with Jones that he ought not to claim it as he
was the cause of Jones taking it & c but he wholly
refused to produce the Books

And he further alleged that he could not Stand up to
his subscription or anything (lined thorugh) the Directory as he
said that we had eleceted such Directors as would
put [?] every old Farmer in the Country on an equal
footing with him in Bidding & this he would not stand
as they would work with their hands on Short sec-
tions of road when out of their crops for half
of what he would work for, I left him on his
promise of meeting the Directors at the Court House
in a few minutes or at Brookers Tavern after
supper, after Supper I met him in the Street
without any apparent intentions of complying
with the promise & I invited invited him up to Brookers
in presence of the 6 Directors who were there Setting
I offered a few reasons for not giving up the
Books got up left the Room without Saying
any thing since which I have not seen him
and have been told he has made a statement to you
this is my reason for trougbling you with this
Statement I here annex a copy of the Communi-
ciation that Mr. Coe alluded to when I called on him
for the Stock Books

as follows:

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