To His Excellency Newton Cannon Governor of the State of Tennessee
The undersigned President and Directors of the Columbia Central Turnpike Road hereby notify your Excellency that the sum of One hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the Stock of the Columbia Central Turnpike Road - being one half of the Capital Stock of said Road as the same is enlarged under the Charter - has been subscribed for - And that the Stockholders have paid to the Treasur-er of the company by order of the Board thirty per cent upon the amount so subscribed by them-
We hereby desire your Excellency to appoint on behalf of the State the State Directors and upon the proper certificates by the entire Board of the Bond, of the State for the Amount so paid in agreeably to law - Given under our hands this the 16th of July 1838 -
[P. R. Booker?] [President?] wit M. D. Cooper Lucius J. Polk G. A. Pillow J. B. Pillow James Walker [illegible] Polk