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either from design or for want of information
have disregarded the right of the Moun
-tain District to an equitable partici
-pation in benefits of the new State Bank

Your Excellency must see the great in
-justice done your Memorialists when the
wealth [population?] + extent of Country
represented by us and taken into consid
-eration and an entire [destitution?]
of all in any Banking facilities
In this state of things we confidently appeal
to your Excellenct to contribute to the
[illegible]-ness of our wrongs in the Premises
by convening the Legislature at an
early day, in the exercise of your
constitutional privilige [sic], so that the
errors of the Directors as herein set
forth may be corrected, and your me
-morialists + those whom they represent
[please?][placed?] in the enjoyment of that right
+ those priviliges [sic] which have been so
unrighteously withheld from us.

We respectfully refer your Excellency to
a Copy us the proceedings of this Con
-vention herewith transmitted

unanimouisly [addressed?] + Signed by order of
the [Convention?] This 15th June 1838

Wm Mc Clain, Prest.

Alvan Cullom
John W. Childress } Secretaries

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