Knoxville July 18th 1838
Having understood that the subscription of the State
has been made to some of the public works in Middle Ten:
I beg leave to to inquire what particular plan or form
you have adopted to take stock on the part of the State,
when all the requisitions of the Bank & [Intt?] Impt Law
have been complied with, and the necessary certificate
of the Directory furnished; and whether the personal
attendance of an agent of the Company at Nashville be
The Hiwasee R. Road Co. will in a few weeks, be
prepared to ask for the appointment of Directors on the
part of the State; and also in a short time thereafter, for
the subscription & perhaps bonds of the State; and as I
presume you do not know who are stockholders in
that Company, if it be desired I will take pleasure in
furnishing you a list of gentlemen, who are not stockhold=
ders, from whom you can select such a Directory on the
part of the State as will do [ample?] and entire justice to
all parties.
I shall hope to hear from you as early as praticable.
With sentiments of high consideration & esteem
I am Very Respectfully
You Excy. Obt Sevt
L. D. Jacobs
Pres.t Hiwasee R. Road Co.
His Excy.
Newton Cannon
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