Hamilton [Ch] Ten. 26 Augt. 1830
18 3/4
Dallas, Hamilton County August 23. 1830 -
Dr. Sir,
I am here attending court, and on my arrival learned that a vacancy enisted [sic] in the office of County Surveyor - It is the wish of the people here that Capt. George George should receive this pro tem appointment and through me make the recommendation - You know this is one of my provinces, and that I feel duly solicitous for a correct administration of its affairs - You further more know that I would not design edly mislead my friend Gov. Carroll It is therefore with confidence that I recommend Capt. George, and hope to see him
setting his official compass at an early day. I remember with much pleasure our agreeable rambles and hope to renew them in due season — In the meanwhile pray let me have the Nash ville news, as I know you recite with much ease and accept the assurance of my continued esteem friendship & good will.