Newport T. March 7th, 1831
Dear Sir,
Yours of 15th; [lett?] came to hand mail before the Cash; our Courts being last week occasiond me to be so much engaged that I coud not attend to procureing [sic] the certificate & enclosing it by last mail. it is herewith enclosed. you will perceive the certificate also includes a vacancy in Capt Wi^nters' Company. This was done now to avoid the necessity hereafter in the event of the citizens of that neighbourhood finding it necessary to petition hereafter for filling that vacancy. accept my best wishes for your Health & happiness, & believe me to be with much esteem,
your Friend & Servt. Wm C Roadman
genl. William Carroll}
State of Tennessee Cocke County}
I William Garrett Clerk of the County aforesaid, certify that the following vacan= cies exist of Justices of the Peace in said County to wit. Two in the town company called Cap =tain Thomas's one from the appointment of Jacob Boyer who did not accept the appo -intment, and has never been qualified, and one from the resignation of William B Hutson, also one vacancy in Captain Winters Company occasioned by the resignation of Thomas Fowler.
Given under my hand at Newport this 1st day of March 1831.
W. Garrett Clerk