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correcting it is with you. In conclusion I must
be permitted to add, that the Penitentiary system
has been adopted in this State, by the representa-
tives of the people. - that an ardent hope is entertain
-ed that it will answer all the purposes of useful-
-ness that were predicted by its friends, and that
those who have been heretofore honestly approved
to it, will, now that it is in operation, give it a fair
trial and not assail or abandon it, until we have
a clear manifetation of its inutility.
It is a sourse [sic] of melancholy regret that three
fourths of the unhappy inmates of prisons acknow
ledge that the too free use of ardent spirits was the
leading cause of the commission of the crimes for
which they were convicted. Nor is it less a subject
of regret that nine tenths of the pauperism in
the Eastern Cities arises from intemperence [sic]. Is
there no remedy for this alarming evel [sic] which cuts off
so many citizens in early life, and brings so much
sorrow and misery on innocent families? I
answer that there is. Pass a law prohibiting the
county court from granting any one a lisense [sic] to
retail spiritous liquors unless he be a man of known
character for honesty whose business is that of an
Inn Keeper, with suitable accomdoation for travellers

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