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Joseph Hill Thomas S. Logan James Dove

J Sharp JP

And on the back of which there were the following
endorsements to wit


The State vs Rufus K Anderson

Came to hand and executed and returned for trial on
the 24th August 1829 the witnesses all summoned
but Joseph Bratton, him not found

J Handly D Shff

State of Tennessee
Franklin County

Came Rufus K Anderson
and acknowledged himself to stand justly in=
debted to the State of Tennessee in the penal
sum of fifteen hundred dollars - William Knox
& William Dardis who acknowledged themselves
to owe the State the Sum of Seven hundred and
fifty dollars each to be levied of their goods and
chattles lands and tenements but to be void on
condition, that the said Rufus K Anderson
doth make his personal appearance before the
judge of our next circuit court to be holden
for the county of Franklin at the court house
in the Town of Winchester on the second
Monday of January next then and there
to answer to the a charge of the State against

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