Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives
I have receiv'd a copy of the proceedings of the Stockholders of the Louisville Cincinnati and Charleston Rail Raod Company And an act of the Legislature of South Carolina authorizing said Company to reduce their Stock and for other purposes. Which is herewith transmitted for your consideration
James C Jones
Executive Office of Nashville Oct 29th 1841
Report of the directors of the Louisville Cincinnatti and Charleston Rail Road Company
Senate Oct 30th 1841 read and ordered to be transmitted to the Ho of Rep A M Caldwell ast Clerk
Ho. of reps. Nov 27 1841 taken up and processed to County on Internal Improvements Jno Blevins ast CK
(first column) 3200 1240
1280.00 6400
Dec 10th 1841 Returned with bill No. 127 HL WHite C. Ck
(2nd Column)
650000 2440 260000 13000 1560000