Jones B1-7-1
Nashville Nov 4th 1841
John Bridgeman Esq Mr. Samuel Rankin and Thomas Forguess Esq
Gentlemen your fellow citizen and country man Cdn Scott Terry has been elected Superintendant of Public Instruction By the Law creating this office he is required to give a Bond in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars with good and sufficient surety to be app ended by the Governor
I doubt not Cdn Terrys ability to give such Bond- but it is my duty to approve the Bond and as I am not acquainted with your citizens I must rely on my friends for that information which I do not possess
I have said to Cdn Terry that he had best submit the Bond to your approval I have therefore to request that you will do me the kindness to ? the Bond and write to me your openess of the same In order that I may discharge my duty to the County Very Respectfully your obd servant
James C Jones
Copy of Letter addressed to J Bridgeman S Rankin & T Froguess [frazier?] Supt Public Instruction 1841