

Status: Incomplete

Treasury Department,
November 10, 1841
Sir: On the 2s of September last, the House of Representatives of the Uni-
ted State, on motion of the HOn, John Quincy Adams, adopted the following
"Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to prepare and re-
port to this House, at the commencement of the next session of Congress, a state-
ment, showing the amount of stocks issued, and authorizrf by law to be issued,
by the Legislatures of the several States and Territories of this Union, including
the District of Columbia, and constituting the exsisting debts of the said States,
Territories, and District; specifying the amount of the stocks thus issued, the
rates and terms of interest payable upon them; the stipulations of reimbursement
of each loan, the dates of the legislateive acts by which they were severally au-
thorized; the objects of internal improvement or otherwize, for which the funds,
thus raised, were to be and have been applied; and the present condition, with
reference to the prospect of completetion of the public works, to the accomplish-
ment of which the issue of the said stocks was authorized."
To enable me to comply with this reoslution, I have the honor to request you
will furnish me with the information, in relation to the debt of your State, at as
early a period as you convenience will permit.
Annexed is the form in which it is desirable it should be stated.
I have the honor to be,
with great respect,
your obedient servant,
WALTER FORWARD, SEcretary of Treasury.
His Execellent,
The Governor of Tennessee
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