Stare of Vermont Resolution Relating to the Election of the PResident of the United States Received, by the Senate and House of Representatives, That our Senator in congress be instructed, and our representatives requested, to vote for the passage of a law, designating the same day, throughout the United States, for the choice of electors of president and a vice-president of the Untied States. Resolved, That the governos ot this state be requested to transmit a copy of the fore-going resolution so the exectuvies of the sate of Indianam and of each of the other states of the Union, and to each of the senators and representatives in congress from this state. A true copy. Attest" C.L Knapp, Acting Secretary of State.
Executive Department, Montpelier, Nov 1841. Sir, I have the honor to enclose the accompanying Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, passed at the late session. With great respect, Your obedient servant, Charles Paine