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Columbia, Nov. 30, 1841.

To his Excellency the governor of Tennessee;

Dear Sir, [illegiable] your letter of the 17th [illegiable],
directing me to take early steps to [illegiable] for the War
Department, full and complete returns of the strength of
the [militia?] of this State, having reached me, not until
yesterday. I have this day addressed letters to each
of the Major Generals of the four grand divisions
of the Militia of the State, requesting them to [illegiable]
a return of the strength of each division to be
forwarded to me at as early a dayas possible.

Should the returns be received, as [illegiable], [illegiable]
will at the earliest moment make out a general re=
turn of the whole strength of the Militia for your
inspection, and forward a duplicate of the same
to the Secretary of War of the U. States.

In the event the Birgade returns have not
been made out, so as to enable the Major Generals to
furnish the returns desired. I am not apprised as
to the course it is proper I should pursue to attain
the end desired. I will await your further direction.

Very Respectfully,
[illegiable] General

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