WHEREAS, agriculture is the great and paramount interest of this country, with which all
the other interests of the country are intimately connected; AND WHEREAS, Great Britain,
France and other European nations, by enormous duties and other prohibitory restrictions,
interdict the reception into their ports of many of our agricultural products, while their silks,
wines, brandy, iron, cotton, woollen and other manufactures are admitted into this country
at such low rates of duty as to induce excessive importations, and cause the export of large
sums of coin, on which the circulating medium of this country is based, which rates do not
afford sufficient revenue for the support of the General Government, and to put the country
in such a state of defence as the exigencies of the times, and the aspect of our foreign rela-
tions seem to require; AND WHERAS, it is our deliberate opinion, that so long as foreign
nations refuse a fair and reciprocal exchange of products, our commercial relations with
them must be unequal and injurious to us; and that the proper remedy for this evil, from
which our country is now suffering greatly, is the imposition of such duties on imports, as
will countervail the injurious restriction on our exports, give sufficient revenue for the sup-
port of government and national defence, and sustain and protect those manufacturing es-
tablishments, which the former policy of our government has built up, and which afford to
the agriculturalists of the grain and provision producing states, the best and chief market
for their products:--therefore,
RESOLVED by the Council and General Assembly of this state, That the senators and repre-
sentatives of this state in Congress, be requested to use their utmost exertions to procure such
a revision of the tariff laws, as shall impose sufficient duties to effect these objects; and espe-
cially to afford, by discriminating duties, adequate protection to the various branches of the
manufactures of this state and of the United States; and that a copy herof be transmitted to
the Governor of each of the several states of the Union, with a request that he will cause the
same to be laid before the Legislatures thereof; and also to each of the Senators and Repre-
sentatives of this state in Congress.
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