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Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the
United States, for the District of West-Tennessee,
at Jackson, 2 July [184?]

TO Governor of Tennessee

Sir:--You are hereby notified, that John A. [Green?]
a resident of the county of Tipton in the said District of West
Tennessee, has filed a Petition in this Court praying to be discharged from all of his
debts and engagements provable under an act of the Congress of the United States, passed
19th August, 1841, entitled "an act to establish a uniform system of Bankruptcy throughout
the United States;" and that on Monday the 9th day of October
next, at the Court House in the town of Jackson, is the time and place appointed for the
hearing of the same; at which time and place you can attend, and show cause, if any you
have, why the prayer of the said Petitioner should not be granted.


Jas. L. Talbot

Clerk of said Court.

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