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At Home - near [Gallatin?]

Augt. 20 1842

Dear Sir

The enclosed is a copy of a Memorial to the Legislature of Louisiana, that is now in circulation thro' the tobacco growing country - I am of opinion that the interest of our planter call for the change in the inspection therein spoken of - would it not be well to place the matter before our Legislature, + to get them to address the Legislature of Louis a na the subject? The enclosed sets forth the difficulties under which the [job?] growers labor in shipping their produce to the New Orleans market, and I think they are sufficiently weight[y?] to call for prompt action in having them removed.

I remain Dear Sir

Truly your friend

+ Mr [Ferrah?]

Jos. Kirkpatrick

To His Excellency

James C. Coney

Last edit about 1 year ago by aperkins
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His Excellency James C. Jones Governor of the State of Tennessee

Last edit 9 months ago by V_ing398
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To The Honorable The Governor, Senate, and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana

The undersigned, planters and shippers of Tobacco, and dealers in the article, be leave most respectfully to represent:

That it is their opinion that the present mode of inspecting Tobaco at the port of New Orleans is highly injurious to their interest and requires to be amended for reasons which they will now proceed to show -- According to the laws of your state the Inspectors are at present bound to pass judgement upon every Hhd of Toba. offered for sale in the New Orleans market, and to class it according to their belief under one of four qualities, vis: Firsts, 2.d, xst x

During the greater part of the past season the prices of these different grades have ranged about as follows: fs-51/2 per lb, nd 41/2, x-31/2 x 1 1/2.Now the expense upon the Tobo. shipped to New Orleans (including the cost of the casks) are about 172 c per lbs. so that a X selling ar=t 2 1/2 per the planter but 1c per lb where as which the Inspector owing to some trifling fault or blemish, are obligeed as the law now stands to place in the class of xs but which are nevertheless better on the whole than many that are classed as 2.

Last edit 9 months ago by KA
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for such as these the planter has recieved during the past season 1c per lb. nett_ and further, it not unrequest by happens that there is a Hhd. so nearly a 2d in quality, that the Inspectors are in doubt whether it should be put in that class or in the 1 class_ Upon their decision, (taking the prices of the past season as a bases for the calculation.) depends whether the planter shall receive 3c per lb. for his labor or only 1c-a vast difference to him_ Another subject of complaint against the present mode of Inspection, is that uder it a Hhd. of Tobacco of the first quality that may on its way to market receive a tripling injury by wet or otherwises, is by the Inspector placed in the class if 1s, and the extent of damage marked upon it_ If the jobs be of first quality, who should it be degraded to a X on account of damage when the card on the sample says that it is damaged to such an extent_say 5 or 10 per cent as the case may be? And again: a thd containing 900 or 1000th of first quality Tobacco, and 50 or 100th of inferior, (put in by the planter without any intention to defraud, but merely because he has not enough good Tobo to fill the Hhd.) is at present degraded to a X_ and altho the sample shews that is is nearly all of First quality, yet its being marked a X cause the buyer to suspect that there may be some important fault in the [sulting?] up or otherwise, and the planter received

Last edit 9 months ago by catherine.colbran
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only about as much for such a Hhd. as he would if it were all of inferior quality.

These evils the undersigned think would be wholly remedied, were the Inspection laws of your state altered so as to conform to those of Virginia - Let it be the duty of the Inspectors, (as it now is,) to open every Hhd. of Tobo. that is offered for sale in the New Orleans market in three places_ but instead of classifying it as they now do, let there be but 2 classes; viz. "passed" and "refused"- the latter class to embrace all Tobacco that is trashy, in bad order as to condition, or badly put up_ the former class to comprise all other descriptions. The Inspectors to render a fair sample of each Hhd. (under oath,) and to place upon each sample a label, (as at present) shewing the Inspection letter & number of the Hhd., and whether it it "passed" or "refused."

Last edit 9 months ago by catherine.colbran
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