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To his excellency James C Jones Governor

We the undersigned citizens of the county of Giles. You petitioners would respectfully represent to Your Excellency our views in relation to some sort of relief measures for the benefit of the people of the State of Tennessee under the unparal -liled pressure that is now breaking up and [illegible] a great many of the good citizens of this State relief Laws of some kind an loudly called for by the peo -ple. We are apposed to any thing like a stop law believing it to be unconsitutional and impolite and not calculated to afford any substantial or immediate relief to thises whose debts are now pressing hard upon them. We are of opinion that the measure least objectionable and [illegible] adapted to the emmergenvy of the times would be for the Legis-lature at its approaching Session to authorize the Banks of the State to issue post notes payable 12 months after date to a reasonable extent and receivable in payment of dues to the State and any debts due the Banks and let the Banks loan them out to the people at an interest of [illegible] We would therefore solicit Your Excellency to sug -gest our wishes upon the subject to the general Assembly in Your message to that honorable body when it meets. Sept 9th 1842

J. W. Goff [S N Epell?] W A Jones James Gibson

William Amore Smiths William D Ewings Henry C Lester Saml P Rogers L L Armstrong B F Briton

Last edit 7 months ago by catherine.colbran
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[column 1] W. [H?] Byon 12 [name blacked out] A. [l?] Crown 13 W.C. Gholston 14 J. Flippin 15 Henry Pitts 16 B.M. Bunch [text blacked out] 17 J. [G?] Buchanan 18 M. Bunch 19 James L. Long 20 John Kanns 21 J.M.E. Kinnery 22 E.D. Jones 23 P.T.L. McCanless 24 Perry [Berry?] Lee 25 D.M. Pully 26 Peeter Wilkinson 27 Moses Meek 28 Allen Y. Wilkerson 29 William P. Wilkerson 30 Turner Chamblin 31 John Lee 33 Robert Wilkinson 34 John H. Worsham 35 J.A. Trentham 36 John W. Bodenhamer 37 A.S. Young 38 Wm. Carville 39 Archibald Smith 40 John Wilkinson 41 Abner E. Pate 42

[column 2] Jones B-1-7-4 J.R. Dickey 43 Matthew Carithers 44 John A. Jackson 45 Saml. Kercheval 46 E.J. Shield 47 William A. Allen 48 [C? P?] Birthright 49 D.C. Carter 50 A.M. Carter 51 J.R. Brown 52 E.B. McGuire 53 David Neil 54 C.C. Hardy 55 Thos. S. Webb 56 Edw. [M?] Rose 57 H. Trigg 58 Jno. C. Walker 59 Jos. Howard 60 Wm. Howard 61 Benja. Manning 62 John G. Ballentine 63 J.D. Hain 64 Chas. Douglas 65 Wm. Sheraden[?] 66 G. Washington 67 George Speer 68 David H. Keeling 69 [line crossed out] R.H. Rose 71 [line crossed out]

Last edit 6 months ago by casherrill
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Jones B-1-7-[2?] Elijah Floyd 71 George Everly 72 Thos. Hamilton 73 John McMillion 74 James McKnight 75 William B. Pepper 76 Epperson Williamson 77 Joabb Williamson 78 F.J.[P?] Gracy 79 John Wall 80 J.B. Childers 81 J.C. Carter 82 B. Shapard 83 Stephen McMillion 84 Paschal Nolley 85 P.H. Ezell 86 Samuel Causby 87 James Moore 88 Wm. McMillion 89 H.D. Rainey 91 Jessee McMillion 92 A. Foster 93 Uncle Ben Chapman 94 ["uncle" is underlined] Thos. M. Graves 95 Joseph Harwood [Hammond?] 96 Henry P. McMillion 97 G.W. Wilson 98 Levi Reed 99 Dell Leatherman 100 W.M. Rose 101 E.M. Brown 102 [W? D?] Cole 103

[column 2] Jesse Pullen 104 Preston Howard 105 Levi McDonald 106 James Cameron 107 James Story 108 John Story 109 Daniel Camron 110 S.E. Tomlinson 111 Isaac Morrison 112 [illegible] 113 Joseph Anthony Esq. 114 Homer R. Jones 115 William Rose 116 Saml. Moseley 117 [ditto marks] Thos. S. Williamson R. [H?] Clayton Willm. M. Moffett Thos. Davis

Last edit 6 months ago by casherrill
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His Excellency James C Jones Governor &c

Nashville Tennessee

Last edit 6 months ago by casherrill
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