State of Illinois
Whereas, the conduct of General Andrew Jackson, in the defence of
New Orleans during the Campaign of 1814 '15, has on various occassions
received the approbation of the American people: and whereas Congress
on the 15th day of February, 1815, by a vote of thanks, and by direc-
ting a gold medal to be struck and presented to him, as an evidence of their
extimation of his patriotism, bravery and good conduct, sanctioned and
approved his course in the aforesaid campaign: and whereas, the fine im=
posed upon him by Judge Hall, for an alleged contempt of the authority of the said Jude, is not only an unjust imputation upon the character of General Jackson, but a reflection upon the justice and gratitude of the nation. Therefore,
Resolved by the House of Representatives, the stae concuring herein,
That our senators in congress be instructed, and our Representatives
earnestly requested, to use there exertions to procure the passage of a law
directing that the fine of one thousand dollars, imposed by Dominick A.
Hall then district Judge of the United States for the district of Louis-
ana, for an alledged contempt of his authority, upon General Andrew
Jackson, and by the said Andrew Jackson paid into the hands of the
Marshall of the said district, be refunded, tofether with the costs and in-
terest on the same from the day of the payment thereof.
Resolved also, That the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of
this preamble and resolutions to General Andrew Jackson, and one to
each of our senators and Representatives in Congress, and also one to
each of the Governors of the several States of this Union, with a request
that the subject of the same, be laid before the perspective Legislatures.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
John Moore,
Speaker of the Senate.
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