

Status: Incomplete

State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations.
In General Assembly, January Session, A.D. 1843.
Whereas, General Anderew Jackson, has at various times rendered an
important services to his Country, and his conduct in the defence of New-Or-
leansm has received the approbation of the American People; and wheras the
fine imposed upon him ny the District court of the United States for the District
of Louisiana may well be repaid, so that in his declinging years he may be solaced
by the refelction that every imputation upon his character has been removed.
Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representa
-tives requested, to use their exertions to procure the passage of a law for the re-
payment of said fine, together with the costs and interest from the time of pay-
ment thereof.
Resovled further, That his Excellency the Governor be requested to transmit
copies of those proceedings to General Andrew Jackson, to the Governors of the
several States, and to our Senators and Representatives in Congress.
True copy- witness
Henry Bowen, Secretary of State.
His Excellency
The Governor of Tennessee.

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