Spring Hill May 3rd 1824
Hon James [?] Jones
Dear Sir
Pursuant to public notice
given in the Nashville Banner, Western Weekly Review
and the Columbia Observor the Stock Holdins in the
Franklin & Columbia Turn Pike Road held this anual [illegiable]
in the Town of Spring Hill on the 22nd [illegiable] and elected mine
Directors to represent their interest in said Road [illegiable]
the [illegiable] year, you will please forward your
commition to directors on the part of the state as
your earliest convenance, [illegiable] the disclose on the [illegiable]
of the state last year [illegiable] Jacob [illegiable], [illegiable] M Carroll,
James Black, John Kennedy, [illegiable] S Boxly, Thomas Mahon
A.H. Millaford, Willis Crutcher Deceased A.A. Campbell who
is so much afflicted that he can nolonger [illegiable]. I will
take the liberty of [illegiable] the names of [illegiable] B Bond and
Daniel F. Wade to fill the places of Willis Crutcher &
A A Campbell
Very Respectfully
Your [illegiable]
JM [illegiable] Sect.
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