State of North Carolina
To His Excellency the Governor of the State of Tennessee
Whereas it appears from the copy of a [illegible] of Indictment found at the August Term 1844 of [illegible] [illegible] Court of Law (which copy is hereto attached + which I hereby certify to be "[illegible]", that our Banks McNee, did, on the 20th July 1844 feloni -ously
& to convey him to the Sevier County of [therein?] three & three to be put upon his trial for the offense with which he stands charged. --Given under my hand by the Governor of the State of North Carolina, & to which I here c [illegible] this Great Seal of said state to be effixed. Done at our City of Raleigh this 17th September 1866 & after Independence of the United States, the 69th By His Excely's Command, N.M. Morehead Pryor Reynoldship, Priv Secy
Raleigh 17th Sept [1804?] Executive Office
To His Excellency
[illegible] Jones-
Should your [illegible] =[illegible] comply with the accompanying demand, your will please to denote your authority for the surrender of [illegible], [illegible] to this Department I have the honor to be your [illegible] [illegible] [illegible]
J.M. Morehead