State of Vermont. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representative of the State of Vermont, That Protection to American industry is essential to the prosperity of the country, and ought to be afforded by the national voernment; and that the confidence of the friends of protection is not due to a party which supports for the presidency, a candidare who, in the language of James K. Polk, has, "at all times been opposed to the protective policy- to a tariff for protection- to the taiffo f 1842;" who gave his support to reductions of the tariff "with a view to the final abandonment of the system as odious and unjust," and who declares that "the interests if the producing and exporting States require the repeal of the act of 1842, and the restoration of the act of 1833." Resolved, That, in the opinion of this legislature, the tariff law of August 30, 1842, has proved highly beneficial to the citizens of Vermont. Resolved, That our Senators in Conress be instructed, and our Representatives requested, to use their exertions and influence to procure a just distribution of the proceeds of the public lands and against a repeal of the present tariff. In House of Representatives, Oct 30th, 1844. Considered and passed. FARRAND F. MERRILL, Clerk. In Senate, Oct. 30th, 1844. Passed in concurrence. D. W. C. Clarke, Secretary. Executive Department, Middlebury, Vermony, January 15th, 1845. Sir: I transmit to you the foregoing Resolutions of the legislature of the State of Vermont. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, William Slade To His Excellency The Governor of Tennessee