Franklin May 9th 1816
Dr Sir,
Last night there escaped from the sheriff of this county, a man by the name of Jesse Clarke, charged with bur =glary and with horse stealing. Bills of indictment have been found against him for both those offences; and there is but little doubt of his guilt. You are requested to determine from this statement, as to the propriety of issuing a proclamation for his arrest.
He is formerly from South Carolina and once lived in Bedford county in this state, where these offences were
committed. His residence is now in the state of Ohio. He is above six feet high, and very stout. Of dark hair, eyes, and complexion. The bottom of his nose appears at a little distance, to [?] a small piece; but it is nothing but a natural crease. He has a broad visage. He is a grand son of Govr Sevier.
yr friend
Thos. Washington Jr Solicitor of 4th [?]
Proclan issd 27 May 1816 $50 rec.d
Franklin May 9 1816 181/2
His Excellency Joseph M.cMinn Knoxville Ten
Thos Washington 20 May 1816
John Haywood 20 May 1816