3 Springs June 2nd 1816.
Dear Sir
From Reynoldsburgh Mr Dickson Esqr & myself wrote you jointly and inclosed a plate of the road, that we have lately surveyed - When we arrived in the Nation the Cheifs were collecting in a grand counsel, principally occasi= =oned by a letter received from the Cheif of the Cherokee Nation inviting a deputation from the Chickasaw Choctaw Creek & Cherokee Nations to meet at turkey town on the 27th Ult. (I believe was the time) in order to settle their boundaries &c - I attended as a spectator, the Agent Colo Cocke produced a letter from the secretary of War; making propositions for the purchase of the lands belonging to that Nation North of the Tennessee River; they appeared much dissatisfyd with that part of the letter that wished a purchase I think the proposition would have been better recd had they not been so much dissatisfyd with the line run by Genl Coffee dividing their lands from those of the Creeks obtained by Genl Jackson's treaty, In council they had two depositions read which the agent had obtained (I believe Perry and McGee) which as well as I recollect proves that the line ought to be run from a small creek above the Mussel shoals, to flat rock (o stone) thence to the head of Black Warrior and down that stream - The secretarys letter ^stating that if Genl Coffees line was not correct, it should be corrected appeared to give satisfaction - I applied individually to some of the Cheifs relative to the Saline on lands they appeared very averse to leaving or selling, saying
that they would say nothing respecting the salt works untill Coffees line was decided, that they only done one business at a time - I had the pleasure of meeting Majr Thompson and Mr Robertson who had letter recommending them to the agent from you I used my endeavour with them to obtain the object - the Agent was not favourable to the plan alledging that their dislike to Genl Coffees line made it an unfavourable time to present the proposition; However I wrote for those Gentlemen you had recommended propositions which they delivered to Majr Glover a principal chief who promised to present it for the consideration of the other Chiefs - I think it probable that when the line business is compleated, if Commissioners were appointed by the Genl Government, that the Saline could be procured, which would be of great advantage to the Western states and territories - I am sir with Esteem yr Obt Sert
His Excellency Joseph McMinn Esqr