Kingston 22nd June 1817
Sir yours of the 2nd Inst. I read on the subject of John Frields who was committed To Jail in this place. Charged with the Murder of his Negro Girl: His Discription as near as I can recollect is as follows About 29 or 30 years of age 5 feet 9 or 10 Inches high stout made fair complection fair Hair: Sandy whiskers Blue Eyes And a Daring countenance- By choise Examining closely has a wound in his Knee recd at the Battle of the Horse shoe is very fond of his Liquor & Talking- I am Sir your obt Hbl Servt
War 1812
Report from Shrff Roane re =specting a prisoner escape July 1817
Kingston Ten. June 23d 1817
Gov McMinn 10
William Alexander Esqr Knoxville Tennessee