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At a meeting of a large majority of the Field and Staff Officers of the 9th Brigade of Tennessee Militia - Camp at Brigade Drill on the 3rd of September 1817 at Camp, James Sanford's place in the County of Rutherford.

Brigadier Genl Robert Purdy being called to preside as president and Brig. Quarter Master Joshua Haskell to act a[s] Secretary -

The meeting then proceeded to take into consideration the present man -ner of holding Brigade Drill muster, as at present prescribed by the Legislature of the State; When in motion &c It was -

Resolved, that it is the Opinion of this meeting, that the present mode of drilling militia Officers by Brigades is calculated to produce important benifits to the State of Tennessee so far as it regards their improvement in military [science?]

Resolved, that it is further the opinion of the meeting, that to take the Officers

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rebecca Howard
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now Commissioned Officers &c so far and so long from their homes to attend those Drills, is highly oppressive and will ^not be bourne by them, unless they can be allowed and furnished with Tents, Camp equippage, Rations &c-

Resolved, that unless Tents, Camp equippage, Rations &c, shall be here after furnished to the Officers &c at those Drills, that this meeting beg leave to enter their protest against that section of the Militia Law of this State, that requires those Drills -

Resolved, that it is the Opinion of this meeting that the Brigade Inspector of each Brigade ought to be allowed at least four Dollars per day for every day employed in Drilling the Militia officers &c and he be allowd four Dollars for every twenty five miles travel in distributing the regular orders of his commanding Genl; and that this include all allowances to him for services of every kind.-

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rebecca Howard
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Resolvd that each adjutant of regiment haught to be allowd two Dollars for every twenty five miles trav^elling in distributi- ing the orders of his Regiment and that ^this be allowd out of the fines and forfeitures in his Regiment -

Resolvd that the judge advocate in a each Regiment be ought to be allowd $2 per day while he shall attend court martial in his Regt to gether with the present allowance made to him to be paid out of the fines &c collected in his Regt -

Resolvd, that all fines and forfeiture be collected by the sergeant Major of each Regt under the same seals & restrictions as the sheriff at present collects the same. -

Resolvd, that each Regimental surgeon be allowd for medicines which may be required of him at the Brigade Drills and other [musters?] and that the same be paid out of the fines. &c

Resolvd, that stationary and postage be allowd to Militia officers. -

Resolvd, that this meeting recommend the [?] of Company & Battalion Courts martial

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rebecca Howard
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It is further -

Resolvd that the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the President and counter -signd by the Secretary- and that the President be requested to forward the same to Majr Genl Corrall and request him to transmit the same to the Legisla - ture of this State at their next Sessions -

Rob. Purdy President

Teste J Haskell Secratory

Proceeding of a meeting of the Field Officers and staff of the 9th Brigade Ten. Malitia. Sept 3rd 1817

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rebecca Howard
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