Clarksville T. Jany 13th 1818.
The Honbl Bennet Searcy the Judge of the fifth circuit resident at this place died on the 11th Inst - on the third monday in next month is the time at which the court is to be held at this place & is the commencement of our spring circuit.
It therefore becomes necessary for, your excellency, to commission a successor immediately. We the undersigned being a large majority of the lawyers resident in this circuit, the fifth, would beg leave to recommend Parry W Humphreys Esq. as a person fit to succeed Judge Searcy, & proper to be commissioned by your excellency as Judge of the fifth Judi =cial circuit, pro tempore.
With great respect we are your excellency's Hbl.
Will. L. Brown C. Johnson J R McMeans F W Huling Will A. Cook