Washington, September 27, 1819.
WE have pledged ourselves to publish annually, on
the 1st day of December in each year, a revised Edition of the Constitu-
tions of the United States and of the several States, embracing all the
additions and amendments of the preceding or intervening year. The
first edition was published in the beginning of the present year, and
has been generally approved. Desiring to make the next edition as
perfect as we can, we have to request of you, as a favor to us and in
justice to the State of which you are a citizen, to apprize us, as early
as convenient, whether any amendment of amendments have been made
to its Constitution within the last three or four years, but particularly
within the last year; and, if there have, that you will be pleased to
transmit us a copy of it or them.
We avail ourselves of this opportunity to intimate to you, that we
shall be happy to forward, for your use, without charge, through any
channel you may direct, a copy of the work; and that it will give us
pleasure to have an opportunity of furnishing, for the use of your State,
should it think proper to order them, any number of copies of this pub-
We have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servants,
Gales & Seaton
His Excy
The Governer [sic]
of the State of Tennessee
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