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His Exelancy [sic] Joseph McMinn Sept 3d 1820

Dear Sir after my Best respects to you and also to my worthy friend Mr Grayham I can only Inform you that after I left you at Nashville I had a very pleasant Journey home and my family in good health and I have injoyed [sic] good health ever since -

this will probably be hand to you by Mr John Colier whom I have been long acquainted with and know him to be a very worthey [sic] sober and stedey [sic] man in truth his Morrel Carector [sic] is unexceptionable and as a lawer [sic] stands fair on the list

he informs me that he wishes to solicite [sic] you for the apointment of attourney [sic] general to fill the vacancey [sic] ocasioned [sic] by the resignation of Mcmeens it is my Humble opinion that he would Discharge the Duties of that apointment very well -

I am Dear sir yours Most Respectfully

James Fentress

Last edit 4 months ago by jparktn
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His Excelency [sic] Joseph Mcminn Murfreesboro


Last edit about 1 year ago by jparktn
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