Vernon September 1820.
Sir I hereby transmit to you my grateful acnowledgements to you for the impor-tant and distinguished favor conferred on me the Inst which has just come to hand. In doing which, I am in hopes, time will prove, that the cautious cir-cumspection, and deliberate method of acting, so nec-essary to be observed by the Executive magistrate of a State, has not in this instance been relaxed or departed from. - I am not very well acquainted thro' the State and as such was doubful as to the issue of my application; but as it has turned out agreeable to my warmest anticipations, I can assure your Excellency that no endeavor on my part within the compass of my ability shall be neglected, to discharge the trust with confidence and punctuality and prove myself not unworthy the appointment.
With Sentiments of esteem I am yours
Joseph McMinn, Governor
Vernon T. Septr 28th
12 1/2
1820 Accepting appointment of Atty Genl
Joseph McMinn Esqr Governor. &c Murfreesboro', Tenn.