To his Excellency Joseph McMin Governor of the State of Tennessee
The undersighned [sic] citasens [sic] of the county of Maury and State of Ten =nessee humbly petitioning represents to your Excellency that in the month of April last Sanford Bramblett a youth of about seventeen years of age was committed to the prison of Maury County charged with stealing a grey mare the property of Thomas Wallace that at the spring Circuit Court of Maury he was ready & prays for his trial but could not obtain it, that has remained in prison untill [sic] the 1st Monday of Nov 1816 when he was at Williamson Circuit Court tried for the aforesaid offence having changed the Venue to that county when he was convicted and sentenced to re =ceive twenty lashes on his bar [sic] back be branded with the letters T.H. & remain for six months in the prison of Maury County & pay the costs of the prosecution your petitioners reprsent that that part of the sentence of the Court which inflicts the whiping [sic] & burning has been inflicted & that he now is in the prison of Maury County where he is to remain [the?]
balance of the six Months, your petitioners represent they are strongly induced to believe he was induced to commit the offence by another man who he was in company with & who was convicted at the same time said Bramblett was; They are also well satisfied that he is utterly unable to pay the costs that have already accrued (and of that opinion was the Court having made an order for the County [Trustee?] of [illegible] to pay the same) and that in the event of his remaining in pri son the balance of his time the County will be made respon sable [sic] under the Law for the additional costs. That if imprison mant [sic] will produce a reformation or even if the punishment will [attone?] for the offence he has remained in prison for ten months which is sufficiently long to answer either purpose of it can be efficted [sic] thereby [those?] things considered your petitioners humbly solicit your Excellency to pardon the said Sanford Bramblett the [balance?] of his imprisonment
Robt Mack David Craighead Th. P.A. Phelps Armstead Reading R.J. Cocke Daniel Grahame George Johnston Will. Bradshaw Robert Hill James Walker James F. Byers Robert L. Cobbs Wm Mack [D.N. Sansom?] Zacharia Butler Jacob Bauman
William Henry Duberry 1816 Thos. Caislew Thomas Besample William B. Besample John Hendricks Wm Russell James L. Sandford Edward Saunders James Steele Alexander Sloan William Brown Wm Sloan [Josey?] Brown
Christian [Sh?] [K?] Scott Robert Magill [Samuel ?eth] Benja Herndon Robert Patton Thos Gilliam Alexander MacRae Luke Patterson
Dabney Wade [W. W. Wood?] John H. Gatlin A. Saind J. Spencer L. J. Fletcher Jason Cunworth John [Holeshell?] Hugh McDugall James White Isaac B. Lindsey Abner Herndon Adam Lindsey Wm [De?]
[illegible] Saml. [Browning?] Nimrod Porter Benjamin Jones Thomas Jones Henry Coffey Thos Cheatham James N. Smith Chs. A. Smith George W. Lanier Benj. Smith D. Long
The [prayers?] of the petiion granted -