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Nashville June 5 th 1817

To His Excellency Jo McMinn

Sir, my [pre?]- situation induces me to take the liberty of addressing you, in the following: for which I hope you will excuse me - You have no doubt seen a petition for my being Released of my imprizonment [sic] and probably heard the cause of my imprisonment- and most particular reasons for praying your Excellency would release me,

Having no friend or connexion to relate it to you and thinking you might not hear it, I have taken the liberty of making myself the author - I shall first state correctly the cause of my being here as follows, -

I think about 8 years last March, was the time which I was Guilty of the charge alledged against me by my Father-law,- I had some stray horses in the woods, which I heard of was about [39?] miles from home, on that evening I went to my father-law , and asked him to lend me a horse, to [hunt?] [?] but ^he refused me, the next [arriving?] about daylight, I took his horse and started in pursuit of mine during the time I was gone, I saw an opportunity of making (as I thought) a good swap, I done so when I returned home, he was displeased with

Last edit 4 months ago by jparktn
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me for the liberty I had taken, and went and [moved?] his horse away from the man who I had [crossed?] with, as soon as he did so I took the man his horse, and returned home to his house, (for we all lived on one plantation,) In a short time we was as friendly as usual, I continued there until the fall of the same year when I moved to Kentucky where I lived about one year, when he came to see me, and persuaded me to return to this State, and stay with him, which I accordingly done, and continued stay until I was arrested and taken away which was about the last of December 1816. - The reason He then arrested me was because we had a quarrel - We quarrelled [sic] a cause of our trading &c. he immideately threatened to indict me for stealing his horse, - I dared him to do so and we [?] for some days at length he went away one day and returned with the Sheriff or some officer, and brought me to [rutherford?] Jail where I staid [sic] about 3 days, when a man by the name of Miller cut the door so as to let us out, and I went to Kentucky, and Stayed some time, and then returned to see my wife and children, thinking the old [man?] by this time time would be in a good humour and compromise the thing, but as soon as he found I had returned he had me taken again

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and commited [sic] to Jail, [court?] [coming?] [or?] sooner in Williamson, than in Rutherford county, I moved my trial there by the advice of my Counsel - where I was found guilty of the charge of Horsestealing.

I was sentenced to be branded, receive 18 lashes, and imprisoned 12 months. the two former punishments, I have underwent, and the latter is now going on. So soon as the trial was over and the Ju-- ry heard the circumstances, related, they unanimously signed the petition, and all the respectable part of Franklin with them, - I have understood since my Father in law has refused to support my wife and ^3 children, - - I have stated the facts correctly, to you - I must now pray your Excellency to release me from my present situation, and restore me to my dear wife and helpless baby, who without my assistance must suffer - as I am poor and left nothing behind to support, them, they are now cast off from the [fostering?] hand of a parent, and are entirely depended on those who through pitys sake may assist them to a shelter and something to sustain on - I hope your Excellency will view the the deplorable situation of me and my helpless family, and release me from this prison, - I promise should this be the case to be in future, more prudent, and never to lay myself liato such an unfortunate affair again - I no[w] conclude hoping, and praying for your mercy

Gov. McMinn

[?] Gossett

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To His Excellency Joseph McMinn

Nashville W.T.


Petition for Pardon

[J?] Gossett

15 June 1817

No County shown

Last edit 4 months ago by jparktn
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