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Nashville June 5 th 1817

To His Excellency Jo McMinn

Sir, my [pre?]-
situation induces me to take the liberty of ad-
dressing you, in the following: for which I hope
you will excuse me - You have no doubt seen
a petition for my being Released of my im-
prizonment [sic] and probably heard the cause of
my imprisonment- and most particular reasons
for praying your Excellency would release me,

Having no friend or connexion to relate it to you
and thinking you might not hear it, I have taken the
liberty of making myself the author - I shall first
state correctly the cause of my being here as follows, -

I think about 8 years last March, was the time which
I was Guilty of the charge alledged against me by my
Father-law,- I had some stray horses in the woods, which
I heard of was about [39?] miles from home, on that evening
I went to my father-law , and asked him to lend me a
horse, to [hunt?] [?] but ^he refused me, the next [arriving?]
about daylight, I took his horse and started in pursuit
of mine during the time I was gone, I saw an opportu-
nity of making (as I thought) a good swap, I done so
when I returned home, he was displeased with

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