To his Excellency The Governor of The State of Tennessee.
We your petitioners respectfully represent to your Excellency that from a statement made by James Trimble and Robert H Adams, Esqr.(who [wear? we are?]] council for James H Hindman in the case where the said Hindman has been convicted of manslaughter,) of the evidence given on the trial, and from a petition sign'd by a number of respectable citizens of the town of Nashville Setting forth the evidence on the trial of the case. we are induc'd to solicit your Excellency to grant him a pardon for that part of punishment yet to be inflicted.
Thos. Campbell Jn H? Montgomery Jesse Beene Nat. Dodson James M.? Campbell Thomas N. Clark John Brown William H? Clellan Solomon [illegible] James Standifer W. Brown Wm B. Senior Thos C Clark John McEwen [Jas G. Williams?] Walter King Richard Meredith Calum Morgan
[H? JC?] Mitchell Tho Brown J. [Perris?] [N. Perris?] Saml Eskridge J. N. Gamble Willm Lyon
This ? from the Statement of the [Evidence?] which I have Seen made out by the council for Hindman I consider it a case of justifiable Homicide therefore I Signe [sic] this petition
John M Campbell John S. Fulton A. Hutchinson James Park John [C?] John Sutherland Jr D [C?] Roane
Ro Thiny M Nelson Tho.s M Covey Joseph C. Strong Edwin E Booth Saml. Fryar James Kennedy Terrence McAffrey William S Howell James King Zac. Boothe A Rhea Jacob Tipton G. Wilson Robert Holt
I have carefully examined the case of James H. Hindman as stated by his counsel and believe from the Laws of the Country he was perfectly Justifiable in defending himself with every means in his power- that the killing was excusable and no more than what any man of feeling would have done with similar circumstances 1 Augt 1817 - Wm Shinanon?]