The whose names are hereunto subscribed do think that the conviction of James H. Hindeman, was right; and that the judgement of the court relating to his imprisonment, was mild. -
Thos. Deaderick Saml Seay R. Farquharson Benjamin [W. Bedford?] Will. [Anwood?] Hanenem?] Rob.t. Searcy Rich Rapier [Alex?] Richardson [N.?] H. Bedford John Spence Jacob Shall Robt. W. Greene R. L. Walker Jas. [M.?] Gavock
[G? Tilford] Stephen Cantrell [illegible] James Tilford Jn.o P. [Errin?] S. [V. D.?] Slout P. Craddock Th: Hill M. H. Quinn Jas Condor E. Talbot Jno. C. Pryor [R S M?] Farland James [illegible] James H. Gamble [J?] F. Fletcher [W?] Marshall George Shall [illegible] Eastland James C [Crais?] [Jnl. Michal?]
Petiton for Pardon 1817
Papers relative to Pardoning James H. Hindman
Davidson Co. Penalty Branded in hand. Gov. McMinn