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To his Excellency Joseph McMinn Governor in & over the State of Tennessee

The undersigned, citizens of the County of Davidson, respectfully represent, to your excellency that on the 9th day of this month, before the Circuit Court for the above County, they were enpanneled as a jury to try Tyre D. Greene on an endictment for horse stealing.

The Undersigned would further represent, that said Tyre D. is a youth between the years of fourteen & fifteen, and an Orphan.

From the testimony exhibited before us, we were painfully compelled to return a verdict against the said Tyre D. tho from the causes which led to his guilt, we felt much added to his tender years, we felt much reluctance in so doing. And we would further remark, that from a par= tial examination of the character of the said Tyre D. we do not by any means, consider him as an abandoned

Last edit 10 months ago by jparktn
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or incorrigable youth, but fully believe him to be the reverse:

The undersigned, therefore, humbly petition your Excellency, (all the above circumstances con= sidered,) to grant a pardon to the said Tyre D. on whom the judgement of Court is already passed. And from a charitable exercise of that humane prerogative of your Excellency, we do hope & believe that the unfortunate youth, will be well taught how the future conduct of his life, must be shaped

Nashville Nov 10th 1818.

Thos. Deaderick Geo. B McNeill A. Morison

Edmund Owen Greenwood Payne Wm Harris Wilson Williams Thomas Hopper Absolom Page Jacob Dickinson D [illegible]

Last edit 4 months ago by jparktn
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