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To his Excellency Joseph McMinn Governor in & over
the State of Tennessee

The undersigned, citizens of the County of
, respectfully represent, to your excellency
that on the 9th day of this month, before the Circuit
Court for the above County, they were enpanneled
as a jury to try Tyre D. Greene on an endictment
for horse stealing.

The Undersigned would further represent,
that said Tyre D. is a youth between the years
of fourteen & fifteen, and an Orphan.

From the testimony exhibited before us, we
were painfully compelled to return a verdict
against the said Tyre D. tho from the causes
which led to his guilt, we felt much added to his
tender years, we felt much reluctance in so doing.
And we would further remark, that from a par=
tial examination of the character of the said Tyre D.
we do not by any means, consider him as an abandoned

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