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To his excellency Joseph McMinn Governor of the State of Tennessee - Your Petitioners beg leave to represent to your excellency that during the present term of the circuit court of Sumner county Capt. James McKain of said county has been sentenced by the court to pay a fine of one hundred & seventy five ^dollars and be imprisoned for the space of twenty twenty days for shooting one Rob.t H. Peyton; that from a knowledge they have of the argue of the difference between said McKain and said Peyton and from the proof [addressed?] on said trial they humbly conceived the aforesaid sentence too rigorous and that said McKain is a proper object for your excellency to protect from the severity of said sentence - the [illegible] [illegible] considered may it please your excellency to [illegible] the punishment aforesaid -

William Crawford W. F. Fulton Geo Crocket [illegible] Rutherford Samuel [Given?] William Edwards Robert Bell John H [Bowen?] Benj R [illegible] [Daniel M?] Aulay Edmond Hunter

H. Grundy Attr for Def Isaac Baker Wilson [illegbile] Montgomery Will Williams John Allen John Hamilton Wm Montgomery R M [Boyers?] [Larkins?] Wilson

Last edit 10 months ago by jparktn
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Last edit 10 months ago by jparktn
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