To his Excellency Joseph Mc Min Governor of the State of Tennessee
Your petitioner Brice M. Mayfield of Giles County and State of aforesaid hum bly complaining beg live [sic] to state to your excellency that at last Term of the circuit Court holden for sd County on the 1st Monday in September last he was jointly indicted with one Isaac Mayfield Larkin Mayfield and one Henry M. Mayfield, for the commission ^of a breach of the peace in assaulting & battering one [Ervin.?] And your petitioner further States that they sd Defendants severally [sic] plead guilty of the charge alleged against them, where upon the sd Court proseded [sic] to pronounce Judgement which was as follows /to wit/ that each Defendant should be fined in the sum of Fifty dollars and remain in prison for the span of one Month except Henry M Mayfield whose punishment was something more mild in its nature - Your petitioner further states that all of sd Defendants were immediately Imprisoned except himself & re= mained [illegible] one night and until Court sat next morning, when the Court [illegible] the ballance [sic] of sd term of Imprisonment - And your petitioner further states that he should have been committed at the [time?] the before mentioned Defendants were and no doubt relea sed at the same time with then; if it had not been for his bad health at the time Judgement pass as aforesaid, In consequence of which last mentioned committance your petitioner was required by sd Court to give security to [be?] & appear at the next term of sd Court, when & there to undergo the aforesaid Judgement im plying we close prision for the term of our month as aforesaid - Your petitioner begs
Leave to inform your Excellency that he has paid the fine of fifty dollars aforesaid and all costs incedent [sic] on sd Indictment. And though he now feels sensible that he acted rashly at a moment when his passions were greatly agitated against said E[rvin?] in consequence of some Slanderous reports which were raised and propagated by him in the neigh bourhood of your petitioner- Yet your petitioner and those whose names are here unto answered & who join with him in the statement of the aforegoing facts as will as the following prayer, do believe that sd Judgment is over rigorous in its punishment. The premises duly considered pray the Clemency ^of this government through the medium of your Excellency that you would remit that past part of the punishment which relates to the Imprisonment the whole of the ballance [sic] being satisfied, and your petitioner with due submission will ever pray &c
B. M. Mayfield A. Black James Perry John Clack George Baumgardner John B. [C?] John McCracken E. [R.?] Bailey William Rose T. M. Yancey H. [Hagren?]
Jno Wallace Lell [B?] Thos Smith David Phillip [Lnye?] [S H Steele?] V [illegible] Thomas McKissack Elisha [Elan?] William Woods Jo.s [Strottir?]
Arthur Hicks A. V. T. [illegible] Tyree Rodes G. Lester Spencer Clark John Dickey Charles Perkins