State of Tennessee Lawrence County April 2nd 1822
To his excellency Joseph McMinn Governor of the State of Tennessee
We your petitioners would humbly shew to your excellency that William Wiley ^of sd county was convicted of grand larceny for stealing hogs in the Circuit Court holden for The County of Lawrence on The 4th Monday of February 182[2?] before the honorable Parry W. Humphreys and was sentenced to receive ten lashes on his bare back and suffer three hours imprisonment at the next term of sd Court and that he be admited [sic] to bail as by a copy of the record hereto [annexed?] more fully appears. But bicause [sic] it appeared on the trial of this cause that the said Wiley commited [sic] the crime for which he was convicted shortly after the Indian Title was extinguished and before the ^law had [extended?] its civil ^[issuing?] influance [sic] to This section of country and also that he had paid the full value of said hogs to the rightful owner long before this prosecution was instituted against him and that he has demeaned himself honestly ever since. And also because it is further known to your petitioners that the said Wiley is aged and has a large family dependant on his conduct and That he was in The Battle of New Orleans and fought bravely in the defence of his Country, We humbly recommend him as a proper object of your excellency's mercy. Therefore we respectfully pray your excellency to grant the said Wiley a pardon. And your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &c &c
(James?) Brooks Dan'l McIntyre Daniel Pierce B(?) galiel John B. Tipton James McDonald Spencer Pierce Henry Wilson
David Adkisson John Adkisson Isaac Courtney Hugh McIntyre Alexander [McDaniels?] Abraham [Segman?] Jacob [Turnlow?] Robert E. Carr
John McClarren Joseph Baldwin G. Hensley James [Burney?] Thomas Cheate Elliott Lindsey Levi [Bleuhare?] William Cottle Jonas [illegible] Joseph Hawkins David Crockett Rheubin McClary R.J. Bailey John Foster James Foster James Kelly Thomis [Illegible] Graves James Wise Robert Gray Wilson Hawkins [Wm Edmunds?] James P C[illegible]
Wm [page cut off] Reynold[s] John h [page cut off] Daniel B [Solliman?] Hezekiah George M [page cut off] [Henson?] John [illegible] Wilburn [page cut off] [vehemier?] Edward d Mar[page cut off] Robert [illegible] Mes [illegible] John J [illegible] John M. [illegible] Thomas archer Henry [Roter?] Laney farmer Jacob [Bythe?] James Moore William [page cut off]
The Prayor [sic] of the within Petitioners is granted for as to whiping [sic] & imprison =mentJos. McMinn 17th August 1821
Pardon issued 18 Augt 1821
The State vs. William Wiley
Indictment for grand Larceny This day came the Solicitor General in behalf of the State as well as the Defend out in his proper person and being as arrained [sic] upon his arrainment [sic] pleads not guilty and therefore puts him -self on the County and the Solicitor for the State likewise and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wit Willis Lucas Bryant McClendon Andrew Johnson Mastin Prewit Hardin Payne William Wooten Samuel W. Sulivan Richard Hill James Parchment William Welch senr James Paine and Luke Grimes who being elected tried and Sworn the truth to Speak upon the Issue formed upon their oaths do say that the defendant is guilty in manner and form as he is charged in the Bill of Indictment-
State vs. William Wiley Indictment for grand Larceny
The Defendant is brought into Court and on motion of the Solicitor General for Judgment it is considered by the Court that he be imprisoned three Hours and that he receive Ten lashes on his bare back at some public place within the limits of the Town of Lawrenceburg and that he pay the Costs of this prosecution and on further motion it is ordered that he receive the above punishment on the Second day of the next term of this Court and that he be permited [sic] to enter into recognisance [sic] with Securities for his appearance