State of Tennessee
Lawrence County
April 2nd 1822
To his excellency Joseph McMinn Governor of
the State of Tennessee
We your petitioners would humbly shew to your excellency
that William Wiley ^of sd county was convicted of grand larceny for
stealing hogs in the Circuit Court holden for The County
of Lawrence on The 4th Monday of February 182[2?] before the
honorable Parry W. Humphreys and was sentenced to
receive ten lashes on his bare back and suffer three hours
imprisonment at the next term of sd Court and that he
be admited [sic] to bail as by a copy of the record hereto
[annexed?] more fully appears. But bicause [sic] it appeared on
the trial of this cause that the said Wiley commited [sic] the
crime for which he was convicted shortly after the Indian
Title was extinguished and before the ^law had [extended?] its civil ^[issuing?]
influance [sic] to This section of country and also that he had
paid the full value of said hogs to the rightful owner
long before this prosecution was instituted against him and
that he has demeaned himself honestly ever since. And
also because it is further known to your petitioners that
the said Wiley is aged and has a large family dependant
on his conduct and That he was in The Battle of New Orleans
and fought bravely in the defence of his Country, We humbly
recommend him as a proper object of your excellency's
mercy. Therefore we respectfully pray your excellency
to grant the said Wiley a pardon. And your
petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray &c &c
(James?) Brooks
Dan'l McIntyre
Daniel Pierce
B(?) galiel
John B. Tipton
James McDonald
Spencer Pierce
Henry Wilson
David Adkisson
John Adkisson
Isaac Courtney
Hugh McIntyre
Alexander [McDaniels?]
Abraham [Segman?]
Jacob [Turnlow?]
Robert E. Carr
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