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The State
William Wiley

Indictment for grand Larceny
This day came the Solicitor General in behalf
of the State as well as the Defend out in his
proper person and being as arrained [sic] upon his arrain-
ment [sic] pleads not guilty and therefore puts him
-self on the County and the Solicitor for the
State likewise and thereupon came a Jury of
good and lawful men to wit Willis Lucas
Bryant McClendon Andrew Johnson Mastin
Hardin Payne William Wooten Samuel
W. Sulivan
Richard Hill James Parchment
William Welch senr James Paine and Luke
who being elected tried and Sworn the
truth to Speak upon the Issue formed upon
their oaths do say that the defendant is guilty
in manner and form as he is charged in
the Bill of Indictment-

William Wiley
Indictment for grand Larceny

The Defendant is brought into Court and on
motion of the Solicitor General for Judgment
it is considered by the Court that he be imprisoned
three Hours and that he receive Ten lashes on
his bare back at some public place within the
limits of the Town of Lawrenceburg and that he
pay the Costs of this prosecution and on further
motion it is ordered that he receive the above
punishment on the Second day of the next term
of this Court and that he be permited [sic] to enter
into recognisance [sic] with Securities for his appearance

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