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David Wallace Governor of the State of Indiana To his Excellency the Governor of the State of Tennesse Greeting, Whereas it appears by the annexed papers duly authenticated according to the laws of our state that John J. Hoover late of the County of Washington in this state stands Indicted for the offence of "bringing a pauper within this state with the Intention of making the same a charge upon the said County of Washington; and it has been represented to me that he has fled from the Justice of the State and has taken refuge within the State of Tennessee

Now therefore pursuant to the provisions of the laws and Constitution of the United States in such case made and provided I do hereby demand that the said John J. Hoover be apprehended and delivered to Levi Wright and John Early who are hereby authorized to receive him and convey him to the State of Indiana there to be dealt with according to law.

In Testimony whereof I have here unto Subscribed my name and caused to be affixed the seal of State at Indianapolis the 29th day of April A.D. 1839

David Wallace

By the Governer Wm J. Brown Secretary of State

Last edit 6 months ago by jparktn
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In the Washington Circuit Court, March Term, 1839 ~

"The State of Indiana Washington County} To Wit

"In the Washington Circuit "Court, of the Term of March, in the Year of "our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred " and Thirty Nine- The Jurors for the said State " of Indiana, upon their Oath present that, "John J. Hoover, late of the County of Wash= "ington aforesaid, Gentleman, on the first day "of May, in the Year of our Lord, One " Thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven "with force and arms, in the County of "Washington aforesaid, did unlawfully and "knowingly bring within the said State of "Indiana, and into the county aforesaid, a "certain negro Girl, called Caroline- the "said negro Girl being then and there a "Pauper, with the intention of making the "said negro Girl a charge upon the said "County of Washington, contrary to the form " of the statute, in such case made and "provided, and against the peace and dignity "of the said State of Indiana"

"Jno. W. Payne" "Pro. Atty."

"The State of Indiana vs. John J. Hoover Indictment for bringing a pauper within this State

Comes now the prosecuting Attorney,

Last edit 6 months ago by jparktn
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who prosecutes the pleas of Said State, and files in Open Court herein, the affidavit of Henry Crittendon, which is in the fol= lowing words and figures, towit ~

"The State of Indiana vs. John J. Hoover } In Washington Circuit Court ~

"Henry Crittendon makes Oath, "that the above named John J. Hoover, is a resident "of the State of Tennessee, and is not, as this de= "ponent is informed, and verily believes, to be "found within the State of Indiana, and further "saith not his "Henry Crittenden" mark

"Sworn and subscribed to, in Open Court, before me, Eli W. Malott Clerk of our said Court, this 5th day of April, 1837"~

"Eli W. Malott, Clk"

"Whereupon, on motion of the said Prosecuting "Attorney, it is ordered by the Court, that a Copy of said Indictment, and the forgoing affidavit of Henry Crittenden, and the Pro= ceedings thereon, be certified by the Clerk of our said Washington Circuit Court, to his Excellency David Wallace, Governor of the State of Indiana-And that Levi Wright be, and he is hereby appointed a Special messenger, to convey to his Excellency, the Governor, the papers and proceedings herein, without delay~

Last edit 6 months ago by jparktn
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State of Indiana Washington County} [Set?]

I Eli W. Malcott, Clerk of the Washington Circuit Court, within the 2nd Judicial Circuit of said State, Certify, that the foregoing Indictment, the affadavit of Henry Crittenden, and the Order of our said Washington Circuit Court, is a true, perfect and complete copy of the said Indict= ment, Affadavit and proceedings or our said Court thereon, as will appear of record in our said Court ~

In witness whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name, and hereto affix the seal of our said Court, at the Court House in the Town of Salem, this 8th day of April, 1839~

Eli W. Malcott Clk

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Demand Governor of Indiana

Jno. J. Hoover


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