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who prosecutes the pleas of Said State, and
files in Open Court herein, the affidavit
of Henry Crittendon, which is in the fol=
lowing words and figures, towit ~

"The State of Indiana
John J. Hoover }
In Washington
Circuit Court ~

"Henry Crittendon makes Oath,
"that the above named John J. Hoover, is a resident
"of the State of Tennessee, and is not, as this de=
"ponent is informed, and verily believes, to be
"found within the State of Indiana, and further
"saith not his
"Henry Crittenden"

"Sworn and subscribed to, in Open
Court, before me, Eli W. Malott Clerk
of our said Court, this 5th day of April,

"Eli W. Malott, Clk"

"Whereupon, on motion of the said Prosecuting
"Attorney, it is ordered by the Court, that a
Copy of said Indictment, and the forgoing
affidavit of Henry Crittenden, and the Pro=
ceedings thereon, be certified by the Clerk
of our said Washington Circuit Court, to
his Excellency David Wallace, Governor of
the State of Indiana-And that Levi Wright
be, and he is hereby appointed a Special
messenger, to convey to his Excellency, the
Governor, the papers and proceedings herein,
without delay~

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