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Columbia Jany 10th 1840

His Excellency James K Polk

I am instructed by the Board of [illegible] of the Columbia Central Turnpike Company to call your attention to the certificate of this board of payments of Stock by the private stockholders, of the 9th march 1839. Your examination of this certificate [illegible] papers relative [illegible] is now respectfully requested, that the Board may be advised, if in any thing, in your opinion, it s not in strict conformity with requirements of law.

Governor Cannon you are aware did not [illegible] the [illegible] of the state correspond to this payment by the stock holders, not because the [illegible] was defective- nor because the payment was not made in good faith, but because [illegible] his construction of the law, the company was not entitled to the [illegible] until the work was done -

I am [illegible] to open this correspondence with you [illegible] the expectations that the Legislature will do nothing with the Bond by which their value will be enhanced. With the view

Last edit about 1 year ago by BCrosby
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how ever of availing ourselves of what ever changes in the law may be affected, we will not apply for the [illegible] of the Bond until after the adjournment of the Legislature. If nothing shall have been done with this present law by which the bond will be [improved?], I shall, on behalf of the company, apply to you for the Bond of the state corresponding to the payment of the stockholders immediately after the adjournment of the Legislature.

Be good enough to advise me of your views in relation to the subject of this letter as soon as your conveneince will permit you to make the necessary examination.

I cannot still think the Legislature will adjourn without doing something by which to sustain the good faith of the state in [her?] engagements with the [internal?] [improvements?] company, If however they should not I apprehend they will find their [resoning?] with the people, their constituents, not quite as easily adjusted as they now anticipate.

Very truly Your Friend Gid. J. Pillow [illegible] E. E. Theo

Last edit about 1 month ago by MaryV
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His Excellency James K Polk Nashville Tenn.

[Gideon] J. Pillow

Gid. J. Pillow 10 Jan 1840

Last edit about 1 year ago by BCrosby
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