Jany 10th 1840
His Excellency
James K Polk
I am instructed by the Board
of [illegible] of the Columbia Central Turnpike
Company to call your attention to the certificate
of this board of payments of Stock by the private
stockholders, of the 9th march 1839. Your examination
of this certificate [illegible] papers relative [illegible] is
now respectfully requested, that the Board
may be advised, if in any thing, in your
opinion, it s not in strict conformity with
requirements of law.
Governor Cannon you are aware did not
[illegible] the [illegible] of the state correspond to this
payment by the stock holders, not because the
[illegible] was defective- nor because the payment
was not made in good faith, but because [illegible]
his construction of the law, the company was not
entitled to the [illegible] until the work was done -
I am [illegible] to open this correspondence
with you [illegible] the expectations that the Legislature
will do nothing with the Bond by which their
value will be enhanced. With the view
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