[illegible] Mcnairy Co January 20th 1841
To His Excellency Governor James K. Polk in I will now foresee to give you the facts concerning the Chambers of [illegible] turn pike road when the road was let out to the lowest bider I understand all of the road I then let it out to [illegible] undertakers which was John Redding Michael Caffey Caldwell. C. Choat William Leakey Samuel LittleJohn William Coleman B Benjamin Wright and I have them two much for the work I also bought every share in the road and paid for them on building the road and bying the shares has completely broke me up, but to return to the road when the road was let out I gave my bond and security to build the road and on the 16th day of March 1839 the Board Elected three men to Nathaniel Erwin Benjamin Sanders & John M. Ham. it was also ordered by the board that Charles LittleJohn should send in case either of the others should be out of the way so that they could not be had These men was to examine examine the road and when they formed any of the contravts done as well as I was bound to do they was to give certificate certifying to the facts and that the secretary was to put on the book so the road was received from time to time by these men until it was all received my Bond that I have for the building of the road was gave up to me with all of the certificates by order of the Board we kept a book of all of the procedings from time to have and I have it an if gave & the states atorney general
wishes to see the Book I will Bring it to nashville and let you examine it for your satisfaction
you will find by examining the acts of 3718 that there was no provision made to put up gates [illegible] the charter did not return to any other road so I cant tell what to do I want you & the States atorney general to examine the Charter and send me word what to do on what you are willing to do for I am so badly Broke that I have [illegible] to hunt a new home and I want to know what is to be done before I have I am anxious to deliver of the Charter as I own all of the road I think it would be better for me and the State both for the roadis in bad fix now
write to me as quick as possible and in doing so you will render me a favour that shell never be forgotten
yours Respectfully William. H. Beaver Pt of the Chambers & [illegible] Road
Jany 20 [1840?] Mr. H. [Brawer?] [illegible] Part of the [Charmbrigg?] Pudy [Bumpins?][illegible] be. - [illegible] of [ constitition [peopayee?] constition of [Reed?} - On - July 24 1841. - [illegible] July 29 1841 - [illegible]