Hansburg (?) January 30 1841 His Excellency the Governor of Tennesse Sir I have the honor to transmit to you, as requested the inclosed copy of resolutions adopted by the Senate and House of Representatives of this Commonwealth with a request that the same many be luid before the Legislative of the State over which you preside Very respectfully yours David R Porter
Resolutions Relative ot the Public Lands. 1. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representative by the Commonwealth of Pennsylania, in General Assembly met: That our senators in Congress be and they are hereby instructed, and our Representatives requested to resist any and all arrempts under what prerence soever the same may be made to deprive the people of this State of their just proportion of the common into introduce and advocate the passage of a bill providing for the distribution of the proceeds of the same among the several States in the ratio of their federal representative population under the census of one thouseand eigh hundred and forty. 2. Resolved, That our Senators be further introduced, and our Representatives requested, to vote for such re-modification or adjustment of the Tariff as may increase the Revenue derived from imports equal to the wants of the National Government, so that at no time hereafter, under any pretext whatever, shall any money arising from the sales of the Public Lands, be used by the General Government. 3. Resolved, That the Governo be requested to cause a copy of these resolutions to be forwarded to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress; and to the Governors of the several states, with a request that the same may be laid before their respective State LEgislatures. WM. A CRABB, Speaker of the HOuse of Representatives, CHARLES B. PENROSE, Speaker of the Senate,