

Status: Complete

Creek Agency [?] 13th of Feby. 1802.

I find it important to the preservation of the pro
perty of my fellow citizens bordering on the agency for
Indian affairs South of Ohio to recommend
to their consideration the adoption of the following regulations

All horses and cattle to have brands distinct from those
of property to serve as a guide for the agents, as well as the
honest dealers in horses and cattle. the brands to be
Roman letters an inch and half in length to be put
on the right side of the neck under the main for horses
and two and half inches in length for cattle to be put
on the right side

For Tennessee horses and cattle belonging to people on
the West side of Cumberland mountain to be branded
with the letter A and those on the East side of that moun
tain with the letter B

For North Carolina the letter C

For South Carolina D

[page damaged]
counties the Letter R

From Jack County to the border of Ocmulgee
and Oconee the letter F On the Alatamaha G From
Alatamaha to St. Marys and down that with H

For the Mississippi territory

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