Knoxville 6th April 1803
I recieved a Letter some time ago from the Secretary of War a copy of which I herewith enclose you will please to make ^the request of the President known that in your Mero District in such manner as may appera to you best calculated to prevent the any expence [sic] and or embarrassment which might hereafter be occassioned by the irregular conduct spirits of visits of Indians [at?] to the seat of government
I am [Sir?] with real esteem
Your Obdt Servant Archibald Roane
James Winchester Brig Genl Mero District
A similar letter addressed to Genl White
A a full return of the Militia of the Arms and Accoutrements of the State has (I believe) never yet been made. It will be [expested?] the present year from that the Law on that subject will be fully complied iwth the present year.
Rough Draft
Leter to Genls. White and Winchester 6th Apl. 1803
Rough draft